Coach Certification Archives - Page 2 of 2 -

Coach Certification Archives - Page 2 of 2 -

September 23, 2017by collective-admin

Coaching Through Change Helping People Embrace Change With coaching, your people can learn to welcome change. Change is ongoing. The world is changing fast, and no successful organization can stand still for long. New products, new services, and new ways of working mean that many of us are continually learning new skills, and adapting to changes in the workplace. One of the key measures of success in change management [Add to My Personal Learning Plan] is that you've managed to get support from all of the people affected by a change. With this support, you can implement changes smoothly, and with less disruption. But, despite the effort of managers and senior executives, getting support for change can be difficult. Many people will feel that change is happening to them, rather than feeling that they are a valuable part of the future of the organization. And people who benefit from the status quo – for example, expert users of legacy systems – will quite rightly recognize that they may lose out as a result of the change.

September 22, 2017by collective-admin

Coaching with Feedback Helping Your People to Improve Their Performance Be Honest when giving Feedback Most managers are aware that the way they coach their people can play a big role in ensuring their team’s success. Unfortunately, however, when it comes to giving feedback, many don’t know how to coach, and simply resort to telling others how to improve. This is NOT coaching! It’s unlikely to be effective or to be acted upon; and it won’t uncover any deeper problems or incorrect beliefs that may lie behind unhelpful behaviors. It’s often much more effective to adopt a question-led approach when you provide feedback. When you do this, you’ll better understand your colleagues’ outlook on their work and their career, and their feelings about the organization you both work for. This helps you to engage with your team members as partners and stakeholders in the organization, which helps you to improve each individual’s performance and anticipate performance issues before they arise.

April 23, 2017by collective-admin

Enable all your team members to give the performances of their lives. You may think that "high-performance coaching" means coaching for high performers – in other words, people who, for whatever reason, have been identified as "star talent." Actually, high-performance coaching is about helping all people reach their full potential, in any area of their lives. For the manager as coach, this means working with people to improve their performance at work. High-performance coaching may also involve working with other people within your organization – collaborating with other managers and leaders to make the workplace a high-performance organization, one that helps everybody to perform at their best. The approaches and techniques used in high-performance coaching borrow heavily from the worlds of sport and the military – areas where optimal performance is key. High-performance coaching conversations usually start with finding out people's "starting points" – their visions or life ambitions. Then, it moves on to explore the directions in which people need to move to achieve those visions, and the steps they need to take now to do so.