Welcome to the online Coaching Manager program! Designed for People Leaders to learn the knowledge, mindset, skills and tools to start coaching in your workplace!
In this episode…
“What needs to change in the way you lead people?”
Join Lin, Jim and Pei Ying in a dynamic discussion on our VUCA environment and how it impacts leaders. This sets the stage for where coaching comes in because coaching is proven to support people in navigating and thriving through change.
P/S – Don’t wait until it is too late. Start learning coaching today. We’ve made it easy and accessible for you with full, free lessons on our YouTube channel! Hit the ‘Coaching Manager Program‘ playlist for all the lesson episodes.
* Know someone who leads a team and believes in developing their people? You can help them succeed by sharing this video with them.
Becoming a Coaching Leader
This module links the larger landscape to coaching to give you a clear and powerful idea of where coaching comes in, and the difference that you will make as a coaching leader.