My humble beginning to my career was working as an intern, for free, for a lifestyle sports events company where we did everything from organize, promote, sell, run to finally broadcast these events for a local sports cable company in the US. I eventually moved on to work for a free-to-air TV network handling their sports scheduling. A few years later, I got the great opportunity to move to Japan to use my expertise to implement the English-based scheduling system for a couple of new TV channels for Sony Pictures Entertainment. As an American-born Japanese, I did not know much Japanese, so this was really a culture shock even for me. However, it was one of the most amazing experiences in my life. After 5 years in Japan, my professional journey took me to Singapore to lead the TV operations for Sony Pictures’ channels across Southeast Asia where we tripled the number of channels during my time. After a few more years, I decided to take a break from the corporate world and got my Diploma in Culinary Arts to become a chef. I subsequently worked in hotels and fine dining restaurants in an effort to gain enough knowledge and experience to work towards my dream of opening my own restaurant. Although that dream did not work out as hoped, it was an extremely rewarding experience that I would not trade for anything. I eventually decided to return to the corporate world where I managed teams both locally in Singapore and remotely in Australia which was another challenging, yet interesting experience. This was many years prior to COVID where remote working tools were not readily available. Finally, I have spent the last 10 years of my professional life working, building and growing teams at SingtelTV. I feel that the vast range of experiences across multiple countries, dealing with many cultural differences has helped me to stay open-minded, listen attentively first before responding, and to not pass judgement will aid me well as I pursue to be the best coach I can be. My goal with my coaching is to hopefully be able to impact others by helping them realize their full potential as my way of giving back to society.
– People Management
– Digital Transformation
– Change Management
Coming from the US, I am a big sports fan especially American Football. I used to be play basketball and hockey for most of my life. I love the strategic aspects of sports, but also how it can teach you many life lessons such as discipline, teamwork, sportsmanship and humility. My first experience coaching came when I was able to coach my cousin’s youth basketball team. Now, sports coaching is very different from the coaching I am learning now, but it did give me a sense of what coaching could be like and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I have always been a curious person and really look for opportunities to learn something new. Although the industry I spent most of my professional career is in Media, Entertainment & TV, I went on many courses over the years. I got my Diploma in Financial Management, studied for my Diploma in Marketing, got my Diploma in Culinary Arts and most recently, got my Masters in Technology – Digital Leadership. I have also been practicing yoga for several years now and have recently began learning mindfulness and tai chi. I believe to truly be happy and healthy, one needs to focus on their physical, mental and emotional well being.
– Active Listener, curious
– Empathetic and supportive
– Genuine and non-judgemental
– Flexible
Life is all about choices. We can choose to see things in a positive way or a negative way, but ultimately, it is still our own choice. Focus on the things that make you happy and try to enjoy the present moment. Your most precious asset is time so don’t waste it.