Li Ean is a medical doctor and specialist in Neurology. She completed her training in Neurology at the National Neuroscience Institute, Singapore. At Tan Tock Seng Hospital’s Neurology Intensive Care Unit, Li Ean was responsible for overseeing patient care and she also sub-specialised in Stroke Neurology. She oversaw teams that cared for patients in the Acute Stroke Units of two public hospitals. Additionally, she has extensive experience using telemedicine technology to care for patients suffering from acute strokes.
Li Ean most recently held the positions of Senior Lecturer and Examinations Chair in the Anatomy Department at the National University of Singapore.
Li Ean participated in numerous medical missions to countries such as Vietnam, China, Mongolia and Indonesia. With HealthServe, she also served the medical needs of Singapore’s migrant population.
Life Coaching
Relationship Coaching (Life partner, Family, Friends, Workplace)
Career Coaching
Health & Wellness Coaching
Addictive Behaviour Coaching – Li Ean is closely acquainted with persons who struggle with addictions such as eating disorders, smoking, alcoholism, etc; and is passionate about empowering others to overcome these struggles.
Li Ean, a mother of three, is frequently described by others as positive, cheerful, compassionate and encouraging.
One of Li Ean’s greatest strengths has been how she developed from a painfully shy and reserved child to becoming a confident, warm and approachable adult. She attributes the change to performing in the Arts (piano, choir, musical and dance), and becoming a specialist doctor and medical educator. The latter gave her the opportunities to relate to all levels of people in different contexts – from those in the medical and healthcare sectors, to patients, academics and young aspiring student doctors.
She also credits her transformation to the many mentors and coaches in her life, her education, as well as demanding yet supportive work environments.
Flexible and adaptable to your needs
Developing a continuously growing mindset will enhance one’s personal and professional development.
When life hands you lemons, make ice lemon tea!