HubSpot is a leading CRM Platform for small, medium businesses and I am a trainer for internal members in the company, helping to run onboarding for new members and also managing professional development programs. Within 1.5 years, I have successfully taught more than 220 members and gathered over 230 positive feedback, leading to an increase of Net Promoter Score for the program, from 75 to 91.
While my professional career is still at its early stage, I have the experience to mentor and coach more than a dozen members, working closely with them to find success in their roles during the preliminary parts of their job.
I believe everyone has a potential level that s/he might not know yet. As a coach, I want to help people uncover that to help empower others to achieve more.
My family was originally from TaiPing, Malaysia and we migrated to Singapore when I was 1. I grew up and in Singapore went through the mainstream education route, graduating from NUS Business School back in 2017. I am a big believer of gratitude as I have been trying different ways to advocate the practice of gratitude, with the most recent attempt to be an Instagram page. Due to my own nature of wanting to help others, I also volunteer at a grassroot level, helping to mentor underprivileged kids and other volunteers. I am a big sports enthusiast and I go to gym regularly so anything about fitness/sporty, hit me up!
Even among my friends, I have been remarked to be a ‘sincere and greater listener’. I do my best to listen and understand, not just to reply. I empathize deeply and constantly put myself in other people’s shoes to understand their perspective. As such, I take on a more nurturing coaching style. I believe everyone has the capability to empower themselves, sometimes all they need is someone to speak to and bounce some ideas. This is where I can come in as a coach.
“You can be slow, but never stop moving.” + “This too, shall pass.” These are two of my biggest beliefs in life. I choose to believe that as long we keep trying, even a tiny bit a day, we can eventually get through a situation. If we want to improve, we have to take actions to get there as we are the owners of our life.