Dawn Chia | Collective Change Institute

Dawn Chia | Collective Change Institute

- Over a decade of experience working with people to improve their personal, interpersonal and/or leadership effectiveness - Often found in a contemplative mode and highly curious about the human experience - A firm believer that kindness and compassion would make the world a better place - A constant work-in-progress

Dawn Chia

– Over a decade of experience working with people to improve their personal, interpersonal and/or leadership effectiveness
– Often found in a contemplative mode and highly curious about the human experience
– A firm believer that kindness and compassion would make the world a better place
– A constant work-in-progress

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Professional Background

Dawn has been working as an organisational psychologist for the past 12 years, and her work primarily focuses on enhancing the well-being and effectiveness of individual employees as well as the organisation.

Through her involvement in counselling, she has worked with a variety of clients, ranging from those who are troubled and distressed to those who are seeking clarity in their lives (e.g., career, relationships, life purpose). She has also received trainings in different counselling approaches and therapy modalities which has helped to broaden her frame of mind and enabled her to better connect with and guide the clients whom she sees.

Additionally, Dawn oversees the design and delivery of leadership trainings (for team leaders and middle managers) and trains leaders on ways to develop greater self-awareness, manage individual differences and build effective relationships. She has also conducted developmental conversations with individual leaders and guided them in uncovering their strengths and potential areas for growth.

Coaching Specialty

– Personal development / Self-work
– Interpersonal skills (e.g., communication, relationship)
– Leadership effectiveness

Personal Background

It might an occupational habit, but one thing that continues to pique Dawn’s interest is the complexity of human behaviour. Having worked with a variety of clients, she came to realise that there is an abundance of human experience and perspectives to explore and learn from. For that reason, she is always curious to learn more about the human condition and finds herself drawn to autobiographies, biopics and self-development books.

Whilst uncharacteristic of an introvert, Dawn finds joy in having conversations with others and learning about their stories and struggles. It is also through those interactions that she witnessed the power of conversations – how it not only allowed her to understand others better but gave others a chance to feel heard, supported and empowered. “How many more people can we positively impact if we held space for more of these conversations to take place?” That thought was what sparked her decision to volunteer as a youth mentor and subsequently start her journey in coaching.

Coaching Style

– Non-directive and collaborative
– Open-minded and welcoming
– Empathetic and supportive

Personal Philosophy

“Today, I am learning how to be me, everyday all over again”

The journey of self-work and growth is often not an easy one. We may not get it right all the time but every day and every moment is a chance to try, to learn and to change. This quote also serves as a good reminder to be compassionate towards ourselves and others because we are all a “work-in-progress” and trying in the best way that we know how – so let’s be kind to one another.