Yoko was born and educated in Japan. After her graduation, she worked for the Customs Division of the Ministry of Finance in Japan for 10 years. She then moved to Singapore upon her marriage. In 2004, she set up a small jewelry business as an entrepreneur, traveled to India to source gemstones, design and handcraft jewelry items. Since 2011, she started working for BGC Partners (Singapore) as an Administrator.
Her role was to support employees and managers at all levels and from different cultures. She does not choose tasks and rather “get chosen” as she believes that whatever comes to her desk is her task to be done. She came across coaching from several experiences in team building exercise organised in her company. In 2017, she read a book about coaching with a positive psychology perspective. The book motivated her to go deeper in herself and she got inspired to make coaching her life work so she can truly help others.
She is currently practicing and studying coaching to become certified by International Coaching Federation. Yoko holds Bachelor’s degrees of Education with focus on child psychology.
Yoko loves her weekly training with her personal trainer. She also treasures time when she can empty her mind by being alone and find peace and mindfulness, within. When her husband passed away – and though they only spent nine years together – she learnt through her how to make the best of the worst situations to find Joy again.
Yoko coaches people with her care, honesty, gentleness, curiosity and an ever-open mind.
To move through life without fear, and to stay positive and grounded in all circumstances with keeping a genuine smile – as a way to brighten the world around.