Born and bred in Singapore, I embody a well-tossed Rojak (local salad dish) persona, drawing from my Singaporean upbringing, books I read as well as time spent in China, India and the US. On one hand, I am a wannabe farmer, traveller and nary a care in the world curious reader and wonderer in my personal time and yet, a passionate, go-getting, outcomes-based leader at work.
What anchors me as a person is my mindfulness practice and the desire to bring a tiny bit more of positive impact and happiness to the people around me and this world. I have been practicing mindfulness / meditation for more than 8 years now. I am also passionate about ground-up initiatives and volunteering, whether its teaching at the local slum school on weekends when I was in India, volunteering with the Lions Befrienders in Singapore or kickstarting a pay-it-forward community project with a few friends in the midst of the Circuit Breaker last year that onboarded 184 food stalls and sponsored 7000 meals in 3 months.
Life is incredibly short, remember to take a pause, breathe, do some good, savour and enjoy life.