Goh Si Jin | Collective Change Institute

Goh Si Jin | Collective Change Institute

Collective Change Institute is Asia's leading coach certification and professional coach development program.

Apprentice Coach, CCI

Goh Si Jin

– Pursuing my passions of opening and managing businesses.
– Focusing on personal growth and transformation.
– Life of wellness and health advocate.



Professional background

Si Jin launched businesses in Fnb and retail when she was an accounting undergraduate and is now starting a company that focuses on serving people to find their mental balance and happiness. She lives for people and their narratives and are highly invested in their self-growth.

Specialty & Expertise

  • Interpersonal skills
  • Relationships
  • Self growth and transformation
  • Life coaching
  • Career coaching
  • Entrepreneurship

Personal Background

In my twenties I was a workaholic. I was working for a common goal with my business partners which was to make the businesses financially sustainable. While it was gruelling and there were much personal sacrifices, I learnt a lot about resilience, mental fortitude and perseverance. But there comes a time I seek more meaning in life and I naturally gravitate to people.

It is my hope that I can, with the experience I have garner in my life, to help anyone to gain clarity and purposes in their lives. Meanwhile, I will be actively pushing my own personal boundaries by going for more skydivings and starting a dating company.

Coaching style

I am warmth incarnated. In my coaching, I have been non-judgmental, open, enthusiastic and compassionate. If you like me to kick your ass, I would do so gladly. I believe in co-creating the coaching experience so that you can achieve the best outcome.

Personal philosophy

The only constant in life is change. And when we can find the inner strength to do so, the world is our oyster.